Finding the right hotel just got a whole lot easier -

Love never dies a natural death . . .

Love never dies a natural death.

It dies because we don't know how to replenish its 


It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.

It dies of illness and wounds;

It dies of weariness,

Of withering,

Of tarnishing.

Beautiful Memories..

These renewed emotions bring with them a flood of
wonderful and beautiful memories.
It brings back the sunsets, beautiful sandy beaches,
blowing wind in the lush, leafy trees.
I feel the warm embraces, warmth of feelings so true and right as if it were yesterday.
I want for all these feelings to become reality again and be with me to forever stay.
There are so many things that need to be sorted through
and thoughts on tying ends.

... Either Friends or Enemies

"Life becomes useless and insipid when we have no longer either friends or enemies."
                                                                   -John Lennon

For Love

. . . Texting someone to say that you are outside their house instead of knocking . . .

Such A Way..

Such a lovely dream..
Sailing on the waves of love with my sweet thing…

Such a lovely morn..
Having you in my arms…

Such a wonderful day..
The day your love came my way…

I Can't Leave You...

I'd like to tell you
how much I love you,
and I hope you know that I do...
I wish that the words I speak
so gently to you could be
heard by your heart
with the same meanings
and the same soft feelings of love
that they carry from deep within me...

More than you know ...
and more than I can ever say,
I feel a wonderful thankfulness
in my heart ... just for you.
And I want you to remember, though
my thoughts don't always convey
and my feelings don't always show,
I love you, and I always will ..
more than you know.

Love is when...

Love is when...

you can't stop thinking about them
when u see them or hear their name
your whole world lights up
when they smile u smile

when the laugh
you laugh
when they cry
you cry
you feel what they feel

when they never leave your mind
when u go to sleep smiling because
of something they said or did earlier that day

when you look at them
everything turns right
when you touch them
u get that feeling

what is love..???
Love is all of the above YOU….

How much a love cost..

Let this light guide,
Where we thought lost.
In a journey to find,
How much a love cost..

A soul that had saved,
The mind wonders endlessly.
Upon this quite love,
How much a love cost..

Follow the stars above,
Where only a touch can feel.
Into the unknown lies,
How much a love cost..

Destined for your...

My love sets sail upon waves of trust.
Destined for your heart…

My love takes flight upon breezes of honesty.
Destined for your soul…

My love walks a path of sincerity.
Destined for your mind…

My love climbs a mountain of togetherness.
Destined for your life…


I know everyone makes mistakes and does things
They know is not guided by the heart.
Sometimes people let logic get in the way of
What is really important just to be smart?
I am not sure what everything means right now
Or what the future will bring for both of us…

I do know that we deserve total and
True happiness and positive feelings can only be a plus.
I believe with all my heart and soul
That everything happens for one reason or another.
I want to believe just as strongly that
It’s because we were meant to follow that road together…


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."  

-Mark Twain.

Finding the right hotel just got a whole lot easier -